DIRT – FV with the Lisa Mezzacappa TRIO

The second of three songs I shot with Lisa’s trio in November 2012. I might have been a bit too excited by the lens flare from the green light on the amp… Loving the siren outside at 2:40.

Dirt – Written by The Stooges

Performed by
Fay Victor – vocal
John Finkbeiner – guitar
Lisa Mezzacappa – bass

Filmed, recorded and edited by Peter Varshavsky
Sound mixed by John Finkbeiner

1 Comment

  1. this has been a “single” of regular return for me since coming on it years back — with “veta” a b-side (didn’t know of the c-side 3rd song til now). i keep seeing/hearing it on a 45, if mr. pop wd generously give permission — truly he ought to be honored, as this rendering brings out something deep that was there maybe in the song yet only really there now, after this. thank you, Faye, Lisa, John (presente) <3 <3 <3
    steve d.

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